If you have an online banking account, you may use your bank's mobile app to give your tithes and offerings via PayNow UENs (unique entity number) or PayNow QR (Quick Response) codes.
IMPORTANT: To avoid scams, please only use the QR codes from our website and bulletin and check that you are giving to:​
Please also ensure that the UEN number is correct: T12SS0242D
Method 1 — Scan QR Code
1. Scan the QR Code.
Note: If you have the image of the relevant QR code in your photo library, you could also tap on Select from device and select the image.​​
2. Ensure that you are making payment to "BUKIT BATOK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH"
Method 2 — UEN
1. Log in to your phone banking app.​​​​
2. Select TRANSFER by UEN and key in the church’s UEN No: T12SS0242D​​
Under "UEN/Bill Reference No.", key in the one that applies:
'ENG GEN' - English General
'ENG MSN' - English Missions
'ENG BLD' - English Building Fund